game PlayStation 4 » The Death And Return Of Superman Box Cover
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The Death And Return Of Superman box art cover
By avatar djrunza 36 on June 4th, 2015
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I spend for 2 days for creating a minimalist art for both Superman and the villainous Cyborg Superman. Moreover, I decided to make the front background into a blue color and make the back background into a red color because commonly, blue represent as 'good' and red represent as 'evil' and its also to fit the dark theme of the whole cover. Superheroes VS Supervillains to be exact.

Since I want it to be a remake, I decided to make Cyborg Superman's punching hand through Superman's blood logo as it tells to the viewers that the downfall of Superman and his allies, The Eradicator, Steel, Superboy and Supergirl occurs by the hands of Cyborg Superman himself.

Therefore, I would like to say thank you so much to these professional designers, Ulquiorra, FrankBedbroken Lestat_the_vampire and lucidhalos for the criticisms, suggestions and helping me out to make this cover box art of mine. I really appreciate it! And hopefully you will like it as well!

[ Box updated on June 5th, 2015 ] [ original ]

comments The Death And Return Of Superman Box Cover Comments

Comment on djrunza's The Death And Return Of Superman Box Art / Cover.

djrunza 36 [ 9 years ago ]

Hello my friends, I am sorry for uploading the same cover box art again with the updated version and I have to delete the previous version is because I already uploaded the updated version of the cover box art but it keeps going back to the first box that I uploaded. And when I uploaded with JPG/JPEG file, the cover box art suddenly looks so blur which I don't even know why. Dear Admins, please fix this these annoying issues soonest possible, thanks.

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lucidhalos 43 [ 9 years ago ]

This looks much better. Great job on it.

As for your problem with the update, it won't swap it right away I realized. When you update it it takes a few hours for it to go in affect. As for JPG/JPEG files being blurry, the files gets even more compressed when uploaded onto the site which is why I use PNG instead.

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djrunza 36 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks lucidhalos, I truly appreciate it! Oh really? I was so frustrated by the fact that it won't change into a new updated version of the box that I wanted to upload it. But I didn't know the system of this site would have to wait for a few hours to go in affect though. Perhaps I was mad yesterday for nothing. Lol! XD (sorry admins).

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Bastart 49 [ 9 years ago ]

Loving that front. The back looks quite simple, but it does the job. I'd only suggest changing the red of the synopsis into white.

There's just so much red a person can handle ;) lol

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djrunza 36 [ 9 years ago ]

Thanks bro! Hahaha! Oh man, I was intended to make the whole color themes of Black and Red on the back cover to feel more like a 'Supervillain' and 'Evil-ish' vibes. Now I've already updated into a new version of the box by changing the color of the synopsis into a white color. Let's check it out later. :D

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Bastart 49 [ 9 years ago ]

@djrunza I know, it's a btch to just keep updating your box over minor things, don't bother imo. ;) it was just something to keep in mind.

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Bastart 49 [ 9 years ago ]

@Bastart much better, I really didn't noticed you adjusted it so quick :)

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Mohit 43 [ 8 years ago ]

Divine: D

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