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Pushing Daisies The Movie box art cover
By avatar Chosenoneknuckles 1 on May 10th, 2009
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Comment on Chosenoneknuckles's Pushing Daisies The Movie Box Art / Cover.

Chosenoneknuckles 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

First off, yes this is my first Movie DVD box art, with the Blu-Ray template courtesy of Sentry at link [Thanks a lot!]

I also uploaded it at my DeviantART account here link

I made it in order to qualm my sadness over the shows swift cancellation and rushed ‘epilogue-that-wasn’t-even-much-of-an-epilogue’, plus all the unresolved mysteries. In short, this is for any Pushing Daisies fan out there!

Now, the Pushing Daisies logo I recreated from scratch using the Trajan Pro font, and whilst every letter isn’t entirely in the right place, I think it’s a good copy personally. ‘The Movie’ tagline was chosen over a subtitle I made up ‘Sins of the Father’, because I didn’t think the other one would fly for a cinema showing and the former kept the short and sweet title the series has anyway [even if it does sound cheesy].

The characters and backgrounds cut out from media around the net [mainly big wallpapers], and apart from Dwight Dixon I got everyone on there! [DonÂ’t take that as assuming IÂ’d necessarily have him resurrected in such a PD movie, as interesting as theyÂ’d be to see play out, but he does play a part in the history of the fathers so he should at least be referenced within, no?]

Now, Digby, Olive and Emerson were originally on the back [before all the movie information was put on], and apart from Olive, whom I couldnÂ’t find a big wallpaper in that classic green attire of hers to use, then I think they fitted well considering everyone on there already. And Olive is holding pie because, well pie is amazing and itÂ’s a small plot point for her [in my brief PD movie story idea].

Aunt Vivian is in front of and covering Lily as a symbolic representation overshadowing and shunning her, as one most likely would if they’d just found out that their sister had an affair with her then fiancé and secretly given birth to a daughter they both claimed as their niece.

Ned and Chuck are big and ahead of the rest, not to mention looking so adorable, just because. xD And Emerson and Digby bring up the rear and have NedÂ’s back, naturally.

I recreated [made up] most of the back information text on the bottom as best I could, itÂ’s not perfect I know, but it does the job methinks.

The darker background on the back cover symbolises the coming danger and mystique therein the film and contrasts with the PD traditional light, colourful and cheery atmosphere.

The ‘Special Features’ would include stuff on previous releases in the series thus far [I only know of these so I’m sorry if I missed any, and thus the rest were of my own device]. I know I can’t wait for the Pushing Daisies comic[s], they have been confirmed, right…?

As for the chosen pictures, yes mostly random, but I did choose them all for a reason:

- The one with Young Ned and Young Chuck sharing their first and only kiss would appear in the short recap of events at the beginning of the film, which would be nice for both Pushing Daisies fans and any newbies that see this.

- The one with Ned in the Pie Hole working is yet another part of what IÂ’d envision the beginning to be like, serving also as a misleading scene as it shows him alone, but about thirty-something seconds later youÂ’d see him gaze and beam at Chuck, then itÂ’d show Olive and Emerson all working / reading elsewhere. And this whole aforementioned beginning would take place after the cliff-hanger event at ChuckÂ’s Aunts house in the final TV episode [just to be extra cruel to the fans, jokinÂ’Â…]

- The third one is the initial reaction of the Aunts when they open their door, only to find Ned and the niece / daughter theyÂ’d buried a year and a half ago, alive and teary-well.

- The fourth picture is of the Sahara Desert in Egypt, because itÂ’d be a big plot location for the movie [if I had my wayÂ…]

- And the final one has the joyful trio [sorry Olive!], in a car someplace... [Do I hear Big Ben?]. The fact that I positioned NedÂ’s father like that so heÂ’s looking dead at them was to symbolise his ever-creepy spying on Ned [and them all, I presumed].

Finally, the story would start with the aforementioned [and similar] events, the main part of the story centring around the remaining mysteries about Ned and ChuckÂ’s fathers, as well as their late old friend, Dwight Dixon.

Chuck and her Aunts would go on that European tour after all, with Ned joining them and leaving Olive as temporary manager of the Pie Hole for a few days, and their first stop would be, where else? London!

Whilst theyÂ’re away having fun, Olive and her new boyfriend Randy create their own and have a blast running the Pie Hole. The ever work-ready Emerson Cod soon whisks them away for another local murder mystery, however, and during it [or soon after]; Emerson would get a new lead on the search for his estranged ex-wide and his daughter. The trail ends up in London, and he goes to leave to get his daughter back, finally, but Olive and Randy annoy him enough in their persistence to come that he gives in, and the two reluctantly close up the Pie Hole for a specified two weeks.

ChuckÂ’s father eventually turns up in an undetermined part of the world tour, but soon loses Ned and ChuckÂ’s frantic first pursuit. NedÂ’s father also shows up in London, keeping his distance ever close [but large] between Ned and him, the son he disowned so long ago. Both fathers would cross paths now and again, and soon the story evolves into a mysterious chase across Europe, reaching its revelation-spewing climax deep underground in the Sahara Desert in EgyptÂ…

And yes, the epilogue will proper fully-fleshed out and built up in this too, and not end in two minutes flat *groans*.

My theory on NedÂ’s dad is as follows:

Why did he abandon Ned as a young kid?

Well, I think that he SAW Ned bring back his wife and got scared shitless, but then Ned had killed her again [for good] before he could flee and so with a mixed bag of fear and anger he sent him away. I think it'd be a very human thing to do personally.

As for why he's suddenly back... well IÂ’ll keep my theory on that to myself, but figure that itÂ’s to do with those 3 sought after 'watches'!

To close, yes, I do like to write, sorry ‘bout that. Oh well, this is finito now anyway.

Enjoy! ^-^

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Firebrand 35 [ 1 decade ago ]

...I think you scared everyone off with your essay. (:
Longest comment ever on VGBA?
I can see you have put a lot of thought into this.
The characters on the front are disproportionate to one another, and the clouds on the back look very odd.
Good job on the detailed synopsis, however. :P

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Chosenoneknuckles 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

#2, Yeah, maybe I should've just left it on the DA upload of this. Oh well...

Good points though, they do look out of proportion on the front and the clouds do look weird now. Tis something for me to watch out for in future box arts.

Thank you for commenting, though! :-)

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Sentry 45 [ 1 decade ago ]

Not bad, just make sure when you resize everything is still the right proportion.

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coolguy753 27 [ 1 decade ago ]

#1, Longest.Comment.Ever.

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Chosenoneknuckles 1 [ 1 decade ago ]

#4, Hmmm, okie, even for a traditional artist like myself I'm still working on proportions, so is there any tips you or the forums could give me on digitally rescaling things and keeping their proportions intact? I mean the dog sticks out like a sore thumb to me now, but the rest I can't fully envision.

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