game Nintendo DS » The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures Box Cover
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The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures box art cover
By avatar truthorsomethingbeautiful 5 on January 16th, 2011
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Comment on truthorsomethingbeautiful's The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures Box Art / Cover.

truthorsomethingbeautiful 5 [ 1 decade ago ]

Heya everyone, truthorsomethingbeautiful here! I spent quite a while on this, and it has been in development ever since I posted my last one - so as you can tell, there has been a lot of effort spent on this. I have spent time recolouring the various different Links, and edited both presentation image, and the background images on the actual box. The template was edited by me, and I'm afraid I cannot remember who's template it was originally. So, if you know, please do let me know, and then I can award proper credit. As for now, the credit is offered to whoever it is that deserves it. So please, comment and critique if you feel you want to (and even if you don't!) and obviously feel free.

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sd1833 48 [ 1 decade ago ]

I like seeing the four Links kind of pushed together, almost as if they're fighting for the spotlight. Maybe reducing their size slightly so that Red Link's face isn't being covered by the logo though, and slowly darkening the characters in the back to better fit the background, which isn't too bright or vibrant. You could throw an "Everyone" ESRB on there while you're at it.

The logo is too dark, or specifically, the "Legend of" and subtitle. Brighten them up like the official logo, right now they're pretty difficult to read.

The back layout could work, but the text eats up a lot of space. Possibly move that left screenshot to the right, somewhat overlapping the other, and adding a couple drop shadows to both could add some basic depth, and free up more room. The feature descriptions next to the shots could be reduced or have a different font entirely as well. After rearranging the text you may be able to add another Link or two to make things a bit more interesting.

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