game PlayStation 2 » True Crime New York City Box Cover
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True Crime New York City box art cover
By avatar DarkPegasusWDS 24 on June 15th, 2016
print No Printable Available

Hello, i'm back! :D

This game was awesome and for this time i make my new box for a limited edition. Thanks for view.

comments True Crime New York City Box Cover Comments

Comment on DarkPegasusWDS's True Crime New York City Box Art / Cover.

FrankBedbroken 46 [ 7 years ago ]

Me gusta la composición y la estructura de la portada, pero no soy muy fan de las fuentes usadas para el texto en la contraportada, y las imagenes estan un poco borrosas, a mi parecer. Tampoco me gusta mucho la slipcase que esta el lado de la contraportada, me parece demasiado sencilla, para ser honesto. Dicho esto, bienvenido de vuelta, espero no haber sido muy duro con esta crítica, definitivamente no es mi intención.

I like the composition and structure of the cover, but I'm not that much a fan of the fonts used for the text on the back, and the images look a bit too blurry to me. I also don't like the slipcase next to the back, it's a bit too plain, to be honest. That said, welcome back, I hope I wasn't too harsh with this critique, it truly isn't my intention.

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Higashi89 48 [ 7 years ago ]

Very nice muy caliente

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Alliance 30 [ 7 years ago ]

I like where this is going but I think it just needs a few more touches. First I don't believe you need to upload it in those dimensions because it only hurts the cover itself when looking at it in full view. Half of these dimensions would suffice. Looking at in in full view really shows off how low resolution the images really, especially the front, are.

The font on the back, as mentioned, isn't really fitting to the box and looks out of place. The 9.0 review I think could have been done a little differently, just because right now it looks like it is used just to fill space.

And last thing I would say that the slipcover would have looked really good if it was more of the ruby red and less white. Right now everything is white and if you had the slipcover red and maybe a more minimalistic design on it, could really put it over the top.

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